Confirmation prep datesDoodle link attached Hello all, As we begin our preparation for confirmation (May 19th) please confirm your interest by choosing, with the Doodle link below, which dates and times you would be available to meet: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dBRLXm2d We will have four sessions of preparation. Confirmation, for baptized people, is a chance to receive a simple prayer that the Spirit be present and released in your life. Confirmation is an adult reception of baptism and is associated with several sessions of preparation that cover our way of Christian life in the world. In confirmation, the bishop lays hands on the head of each candidate and prays for them. Jonathan would like to provide mentors for each candidate for confirmation to support them in prayer and conversation. You may choose to engage these sessions as preparation for adult baptism as well. For more infomation visit: