Happy St Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day also called Feast of St. Patrick, and St. Patty’s day is observed on March 17 and marks the death date of Saint Patrick who is the patron saint of Ireland. In the early 17th century, it was made an official Christian feast day observed by the Church of Ireland, the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and Lutheran Church. The day celebrates the arrival of Christianity in Ireland as well as the culture of Ireland, and commemorates the death of Saint Patrick. St Patrick came from Wales or Scotland where he was abducted at the age of 16 and brought to Northern Ireland as a slave. So no he was not Irish. He was then brought to Slemish Mountian in County Antrim to herd sheep and escaped. He ended up staying in Ireland preaching, baptizing and building churches until his death in the year 461. |
The Fifth Sunday of LentSunday 17th March 2024 First reading and Psalm Second reading Gospel Reading |
Kid's Church - Give us this day our daily bread…”Sunday March 17th 2024
We are going to continue learning about the Lord’s Prayer this week.
This week’s activity is baking bread - please bring an apron if you have one.
Bread has a special ingredient that reminds us about our faith.
Hope you’ll come and find out more!
Sunday morning coffee hourPlease join us for coffee and a chat after the 10am service |
Welcome Helen!
We welcome this month Rev. Helen Chan Bennett who has been appointed to us by Bishop Stephen. Helen is a medical/military chaplain and pastor who grew up Catholic, pastored in the Alliance church, and is en route to making a home in the Anglican church of Canada. She is with us both to serve among us and to learn a few Anglican things along the way. She will be ordained Deacon in this tradition at the end of May this year. She is traveling a fair bit between now and May with her work, but will be with us during Holy Week and have more time on her hands as summer approaches. We will likely also see her husband Gary among us from time to time! Please give them both a warm welcome when you meet them. |
Easter Flowers for St A'sAre you able to help towards decorating our church for Easter?? Donations are being accepted towards the flowers that will adorn our church during the Easter period. Contributions will be accepted by cheque, online using tithe.ly or via e transfer to office@staugustinesedmonton.com. If you would like to dedicate a donation please inform the office or put the information in alongside your donation. Blessings from Rev Jonathan and the Altar Guild |
Quiet Day for Lent 2024
We mark the season of Lent at St. Augustine’s with a quiet time of prayer and meditation. We invite you to join us as we prepare to move into Holy week Where: St. Augustine’s Church Lounge When: Saturday March 23 2024 1:00 - 4:30 pm
Please let Jonathan or Pat Jameson know if you plan to attend or have any questions. |
Holy Week 2024The centre of our church year
For more infomation visit:
Fundraising Update
We are nearly there!!
Thank you to all those who have been able to contribute to our growing vision .. we are nearly there!! The hopes / plans to create a cafe-style environment where the local community can gather for coffee and connection are beginning to take shape. Donations are still being gratefully received - in the plate, on Tithe.ly, or e-transfer available to office@staugustinesedmonton.com We are also starting to build a small community coffee drop-in schedule. If you would like to be involved on the hosting team please let Jonathan know; we are looking at teams of two people to host the drop-ins. The meeting on Tuesday started to bring our vision to life. Lights have been purchased and put up - thank you to Randy & Rita!! A wonderful mural has been added to the space - thank you Theo!! Amanda and Jodi are exploring coffees that we may want to serve. There is enthusiasm and excitement at setting a date for our first soft opening trial run. There are still many things that need to be completed before our space is ready to be visited by the public but we are well on the way. For more infomation visit: http://staugustinesedmonton.com/news/buy-a-light-buy-a-table
Looking Forward at St A's & in Our Community
A Market Celebrating Women's MonthA project put together by Meghan Semeniuk one of St A's space users!! We are hosting 27 women in business, with an amazing line up of vendors.
There will be a silent auction with proceeds to go towards the Elizabeth Fry Society, as well as a hot food concession by Momma Tong, serving Korean, vietnames food.
Young at Heart Pi day - A Senior Friendly EventWednesday March 20, 1:30-3 pm. Social Room Downstairs Grace United Church.
A celebrate of the letter PI (3.14159 ....) and its significance as we mark this holiday to math.
We will celebrate with board games and real Pie of many different kinds.
So come with your favourite pie or pizza pie and your favourite board game and let’s have fun.
We welcome all neighbours and friends in the area to join us at this Event.
Simple Supper is taking a break for the month of March
Due to the proximity of Easter, with the last Friday of the month being Good Friday, and the general busy-ness of the season in the church calendar there will not be a Simple Supper taking place this month. Things will be back to normal in April so keep an eye out for the menu!! |
Parish Directory 2024
The new Parish Directory is at the printing stage. If anyone would like a copy of the Parish Directory, please contact the office, by phone or email, and one will be sent out to you. Those who have already expressed an interest in having a copy of the directory are on the list. |
Kids Church UpdateAdult Helpers Needed - Friday, March 29, 2024 Hi Everyone, We need an adult helper for the following weeks for Kids Church. Please consider signing up. You can use the link below or email me at simone.klann@gmail.com to let me know. Thanks so much! Password: kids For more infomation visit: http://staugustinesedmonton.com/events/kids-church-update/2024-03-29
Later this year ...
Sunday May 19th, our celebration of Pentecost, will be a big Sunday this year!!Note date correction! We welcome Bishop Steve on May 19th this year to celebrate Confirmation, Baptism, and Anglican Reception. Confirmation for baptized people is a chance to receive a simple prayer that the Spirit be present and released in your life. Confirmation is an adult reception of baptism and is associated with several sessions of preparation that cover our way of Christian life in the world. In confirmation, the bishop lays hands on the head of each candidate and prays for them. Jonathan would like to provide mentors for each candidate for confirmation to support them in prayer and conversation. Baptism is our simple entry into Christian faith for people of any age who have not been baptized before. As we receive baptism in water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and are marked with chrism (blessed, fragrant oil), we offer ourselves to receive the love and promises of God and to join the church as the family of faith. Baptism is not about what we know, but about the direction we set ourselves towards in life. Anglican Reception is by no means a requirement or even an encouragement for members of St. A’s. However, sometimes we feel we want to ‘plant down’ and say we are ‘here.’ If any of these ceremonies catch your attention, please let Rev. Jonathan know. Preparation for confirmation will begin in Lent and baptismal preparation in May. Jonathan will need some confirmation mentors as well. For more infomation visit:
Listening in Spirit: Shaping Our Future Together
Opportunity to Speak into Future of the Diocese The Anglican Diocese of Edmonton invites you to listen in spirit to where we are as a diocese and discern whereGod is calling us today. All are invited to speak into the future of the diocese by participating in parish listening exercises, to be led by Anna Bubel of Another Way Consulting, this spring. Watch this space and the Synod Scene for more information about how you can participate in this process.
Every Week at St A's
HANLEY HOME GROUPMeet every Monday, except holidays, at 6.45pm The Hanley Home Group welcomes you to join us weekly as we share lives,fellowship, and discussion on scripture, church topics, and anything else we find interesting! We are a friendly and relational bunch! If you have kids, bring them along! Our daughter Isabel will love the opportunity to entertain them! Just a reminder that the group will run Monday evenings 6:45-8:15pm at 10735 52 Street. |
GATHER ‘ROUND THE KITCHEN TABLEThursday afternoons 1.30pm - 2.45pm via Zoom These cold winter afternoons give us a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a relaxing time ofconversation with friends. This session we will focus on a another one of Rev. Dr. BarbaraBrown Taylor’s well-known books. Holy Envy is filled with warmth and humour as Taylorrecounts her experiences of discovering the sacred in unexpected places while teaching the aWorld Religions course to undergraduates in rural Georgia. Her deep and reflective thoughtsreveal how God delights in confounding her expectations! We will also include material from other sources to add richness to our conversation. So bring your coffee and gather around the (virtual) kitchen table or perhaps just settle Please feel free to invite a friend to join us I'm looking forward to seeing you all each week. Anne |
WEDNESDAY NIGHT SHARING CIRCLEContinuing with 'Finding God in the Mess' Sharing in circle has a long history of transformation and community strength in both indigenous and addictions recovery traditions. Sharing in circle allows us both opportunity to listen, and when our turn arrives, to speak. A topic is raised each Wednesday in the realms of Faith, Justice, Spirituality, and Action in the Christian tradition that we are invited to reflect on and share if we wish. Rev. Jonathan usually facilitates the circle. Please contact him for the zoom access: rector@staugustinesedmonton.com We have used books, video, or individual presentations as our 'prompts' for the evening. "Doors" open at 7:45pm, process begins at 8pm-9pm. The zoom stays on until 9:30pm latest for those who want to chat more.
Update your InformationSo you stay in the loop!! Please email the office with any changes or corrections with your address, phone numbers, or email addresses. We do are best to keep this information updated but realize that sometimes we are missing updated information.
~ Ways to Connect ~
Administration, address updates, etc: Cheryl at office@staugustinesedmonton.com, 780-466-5532 Financial and giving: Cheryl at treasurer@staugustinesedmonton.com Pastoral, worship, spiritual: Rev. Jonathan at rector@staugustinesedmonton.com or text/call 780-619-3170 (text prefered). Jonathan's day off is Monday, but he his always available for an emergency pastoral need at the above number. Children's ministry: Simone at kids@staugustinesedmonton.com Music & youth: Megan at megl_miller@yahoo.com |