Third Sunday after the Epiphany
First reading and Psalm Second reading Gospel Reading |
Kid's ChurchSunday January 21st 2024 Hello Everyone! This coming Sunday we will finally be sharing out "Fruit of the Spirit" song in the service upstairs. Here are links to the sign language gestures and the song if you want to review them at home this week. Tip: teaching them to a family member will help you learn them! Sign Language Fruit of the Spirit SAVE THE DATE! There is a very special event happening at St.A's Kids Church on February 11th. We will have a party with clowns, games and face painting to celebrate "Carnival"
Sunday morning coffee hourJoin us in the lower hall after the 10am service |
~ WHAT'S HAPPENING IN OUR PARISH ~Sunday 21st - Saturday 27th January 2024 |
The Lament of the Land and the Tears of God - Monday January 22nd, 2024Our own Reverend Jonathan is one of the panelists!! |
HANLEY HOME GROUPMeet every Monday, except holidays, at 6.45pm The Hanley Home Group welcomes you to join us weekly as we share lives,fellowship, and discussion on scripture, church topics, and anything else we find interesting! We are a friendly and relational bunch! If you have kids, bring them along! Our daughter Isabel will love the opportunity to entertain them! Just a reminder that the group will run Monday evenings 6:45-8:15pm at 10735 52 Street. |
GATHER ‘ROUND THE KITCHEN TABLE Resumes after a Seasonal BreakBeginning this Thursday afternoon, 18th January 2024, 1.30pm - 2.45pm via Zoom These cold winter afternoons give us a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a relaxing time ofconversation with friends. This session we will focus on a another one of Rev. Dr. BarbaraBrown Taylor’s well-known books. Holy Envy is filled with warmth and humour as Taylorrecounts her experiences of discovering the sacred in unexpected places while teaching the aWorld Religions course to undergraduates in rural Georgia. Her deep and reflective thoughtsreveal how God delights in confounding her expectations! We will also include material from other sources to add richness to our conversation. So bring your coffee and gather around the (virtual) kitchen table or perhaps just settle Please feel free to invite a friend to join us I'm looking forward to seeing you all each week. Anne |
WEDNESDAY NIGHT SHARING CIRCLEContinuing with 'Finding God in the Mess' Sharing in circle has a long history of transformation and community strength in both indigenous and addictions recovery traditions. Sharing in circle allows us both opportunity to listen, and when our turn arrives, to speak. A topic is raised each Wednesday in the realms of Faith, Justice, Spirituality, and Action in the Christian tradition that we are invited to reflect on and share if we wish. Rev. Jonathan usually facilitates the circle. Please contact him for the zoom access: rector@staugustinesedmonton.com We have used books, video, or individual presentations as our 'prompts' for the evening. "Doors" open at 7:45pm, process begins at 8pm-9pm. The zoom stays on until 9:30pm latest for those who want to chat more.
Looking Forward at St A's & with our Church Neighbours
Lodgepole Bakery at St Mary's Anglican ChurchSaturday, January 20, 2024 The Lodgepole Bakery is participating in a pop-up market at Lodgepole Communitas - Highlands, St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 11203 68 St NW, Edmonton, Saturday, January 20, from 11 am to 4 pm. Sample the bakery's warm sourdough bread with a piece of cheese or honey or even both! They recommend ordering your bread ahead of time to pick up at the market since they sold out very quickly last time. The newest offering is sourdough bread with kimchi and green onions!
Our First Simple Supper of 2024 - Lasagne & Apple CrispWhen: Friday 26th January @ 6pm in the Lower Hall Hoping you can join us for a chance to get together over a simple meal, exchange stories from our recent holiday season, enjoy fun and friendships - both old and new!! $10 adults, kid's free (payable at the door) All are welcome to this relaxed monthly social event. |
Getting to Know YouSt Augustine's Group Dinners Would you like to get to know people from St A's better? We are looking to organize group dinners (around 6 to 10 people), taking place in the home of a host. If you are interested in attending or hosting a group dinner, or for more information, please e-mail Steve McAuley at steve.mcauley@gmail.com. Please include the number of people in your party or the number of people you are able to host in the e-mail. Looking forward to 'Getting to Know You'. |
St A's AGM 2024 & Call for reportsSunday 11th February 2024 after the 10am service Any written reports or group updates are required by Sunday, January 28th. Please submit to Rev Jonathan at rector@staugustinesedmonton.com or post into the office. Your corporation would like to see us do a simple video report from each of our major groups and ministries. If you can help with that let Rev. Jonathan know. Keep your eyes out for some new ways to serve at St. A's .. coming soon! |
Update your InformationSo you stay in the loop!! Please email the office with any changes or corrections with your address, phone numbers, or email addresses. We do are best to keep this information updated but realize that sometimes we are missing updated information.
~ Ways to Connect ~
Administration, address updates, etc: Cheryl at office@staugustinesedmonton.com, 780-466-5532 Financial and giving: Cheryl at treasurer@staugustinesedmonton.com Pastoral, worship, spiritual: Rev. Jonathan at rector@staugustinesedmonton.com or text/call 780-619-3170 (text prefered). Jonathan's day off is Monday, but he his always available for an emergency pastoral need at the above number. Children's ministry: Simone at kids@staugustinesedmonton.com Music & youth: Megan at megl_miller@yahoo.com |