Happy Easter
Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, takes place on the 1st Sunday following the Paschal full moon (the first full moon of spring). |
We celebrate the Resurrection of the LordSunday 31st March 2024 First reading and Psalm Second reading Gospel Reading |
The Blessing of Easter baskets at St. Augustine’s - Sunday 31st MarchRemember to bring yours along to the 10am service In life we have moments of both feasting and fasting. There are times when it is appropriate to gather friends together and have a celebration of richness, but there are also times when to celebrate so richly seems disingenuous to the situation. Lent and Easter, among many things, allow us to embody moments of joy and sorrow and see them gathered up in the Person and Passion of Jesus. The gathering at the Cross culminates our Fast, our celebration of the Resurrection begins the days of Feasting. The patient seeker finds God is in both places. Since somewhere around the 15th century Christians, particularly in the Ukraine and Poland, have marked the end of Lent with a blessing of festal baskets. It is the ‘first meal’, blessed in the church, to mark our entry into a season of feasting - the 50 days of Easter. It is a reminder as well of how our lives at home and at church are to be connected. A blessing will be offered as part of our celebration liturgy at St. Augustine’s on Easter Sunday 10am. If you wish join in, this will prove a fine way for you to enter into the liturgical act of Easter. If you wish, kids may bring a basket of goodies to be blessed as well! Option A – bring a selection of items from your own tradition that you will eat for Easter brunch/dinner. Decorate the basket, add a candle and a nice cloth, and bring the basket to church Easter Sunday. You may want to include some of the traditional items below as well. Option B – Below are the traditional items included in such a basket which gather up the whole story of Christ’s Passion in their symbolism. You may decorate the basket with greens and embroidered cloth.
This is a story we can taste! “Taste and see that the Lord is Good!” May your preparations for Easter be holy and fruitful for your spirit as well as your body. For more infomation visit: http://staugustinesedmonton.com/blog/traditional-easter-basket
St A's Kids Church is full of Surprises this Easter!!Upstairs to join in this family celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord. Our young people will be joining the main service for Easter Sunday worship this week. Hopefully they will bring an Easter basket and join in the blessing ceremony. Easter is a time of rejoicing, renewal ... and a time of surprises!!
Easter Flowers for St A'sPlease accept our gratitude for the many donations received for flowers to adorn our Church this Easter In loving memory of Raymond Green, Barrie Ewasuik, Frank & Emma Ellaby, Margaret Spark, Betty King - from Margaret Green In loving memory of Fred & Natasha - from Eileen Perlau In loving memory of Alan & Doreen Rennie - from Janine Koller & family
Eileen Fairbrother Abilio Nunes Joe Sparling |
Hot Cross Buns for Coffee HourEaster Sunday after the 10am service We hope that everyone can join us this Sunday to enjoy hot cross buns with their coffee!! Thank you so much to June Greig for organising this, ordering and picking up the buns - it is very much appreciated. |
Clergy Service and Act of Love during Holy Week
In an act of love and appreciation for the clergy of the Diocese of Edmonton, Bishop Stephen London welcomed all to All Saints’ Cathedral, on Holy Tuesday, for a time of renewal, thanksgiving and fellowship. In the Gospel, read by the Rev. Jordan Giggey, deacon in mission, Jesus gives his disciples a new commandment: “Just as I loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35)
Gord's GoldTribute concert on April 6, 2024 at St. A's - Saturday, April 6, 2024 TICKET LINK: $20 in advance, $25 at the door
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Looking Forward at St A's & in Our Community
Edmonton Grandmothers' Fabric FrenzyApril 27, 9 am to 3:30 pm, Strathearn United Church The Edmonton Grandmothers are hosting their spring fabric Frenzy on April 27, from 9 am to 3:30 pm, at Strathearn United Church, 8510 95 Ave NW, Edmonton. Find fabrics, yarn, notions and craft supplies for bargain prices! All proceeds go to the Stephen Lewis Foundation to support grandmothers in Africa. |
Simple Supper at St A'sFriday 26th April 2024 Keep an eye out for this month's menu!! |
Parish Directory 2024
If anyone would like a copy of the Parish Directory, please contact the office, by phone or email, and one will be sent out to you.
Later this year ...
Join Bishop Stephen for Ecumenical Youth EventSunday, April 14, 1:30 to 4:30 pm, Trinity Lutheran Church Bishop Stephen London invites youth from the Edmonton diocese to join him at an Ecumenical Youth Event, hosted by the Alberta Synod & the Territories, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. This will be an opportunity for Anglican, Lutheran and Moravian youth to connect over food, games and conversations. The event will be hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church, 10014 81 Ave NW, Edmonton, on Sunday, April 14, from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Click here to register
Sunday May 19th, our celebration of Pentecost, will be a big Sunday this year!!Note date correction! We welcome Bishop Steve on May 19th this year to celebrate Confirmation, Baptism, and Anglican Reception. Confirmation for baptized people is a chance to receive a simple prayer that the Spirit be present and released in your life. Confirmation is an adult reception of baptism and is associated with several sessions of preparation that cover our way of Christian life in the world. In confirmation, the bishop lays hands on the head of each candidate and prays for them. Jonathan would like to provide mentors for each candidate for confirmation to support them in prayer and conversation. Baptism is our simple entry into Christian faith for people of any age who have not been baptized before. As we receive baptism in water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and are marked with chrism (blessed, fragrant oil), we offer ourselves to receive the love and promises of God and to join the church as the family of faith. Baptism is not about what we know, but about the direction we set ourselves towards in life. Anglican Reception is by no means a requirement or even an encouragement for members of St. A’s. However, sometimes we feel we want to ‘plant down’ and say we are ‘here.’ If any of these ceremonies catch your attention, please let Rev. Jonathan know. Preparation for confirmation will begin in Lent and baptismal preparation in May. Jonathan will need some confirmation mentors as well. For more infomation visit:
Listening in Spirit: Shaping Our Future Together
Opportunity to Speak into Future of the Diocese The Anglican Diocese of Edmonton invites you to listen in spirit to where we are as a diocese and discern whereGod is calling us today. All are invited to speak into the future of the diocese by participating in parish listening exercises, to be led by Anna Bubel of Another Way Consulting, this spring. Watch this space and the Synod Scene for more information about how you can participate in this process.
Every Week at St A's
HANLEY HOME GROUPMeet every Monday, except holidays, at 6.45pm The Hanley Home Group welcomes you to join us weekly as we share lives,fellowship, and discussion on scripture, church topics, and anything else we find interesting! We are a friendly and relational bunch! If you have kids, bring them along! Our daughter Isabel will love the opportunity to entertain them! Just a reminder that the group will run Monday evenings 6:45-8:15pm at 10735 52 Street. |
GATHER ‘ROUND THE KITCHEN TABLEThursday afternoons 1.30pm - 2.45pm via Zoom These cold winter afternoons give us a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a relaxing time ofconversation with friends. This session we will focus on a another one of Rev. Dr. BarbaraBrown Taylor’s well-known books. Holy Envy is filled with warmth and humour as Taylorrecounts her experiences of discovering the sacred in unexpected places while teaching the aWorld Religions course to undergraduates in rural Georgia. Her deep and reflective thoughtsreveal how God delights in confounding her expectations! We will also include material from other sources to add richness to our conversation. So bring your coffee and gather around the (virtual) kitchen table or perhaps just settle Please feel free to invite a friend to join us I'm looking forward to seeing you all each week. Anne |
WEDNESDAY NIGHT SHARING CIRCLEContinuing with 'Finding God in the Mess' Sharing in circle has a long history of transformation and community strength in both indigenous and addictions recovery traditions. Sharing in circle allows us both opportunity to listen, and when our turn arrives, to speak. A topic is raised each Wednesday in the realms of Faith, Justice, Spirituality, and Action in the Christian tradition that we are invited to reflect on and share if we wish. Rev. Jonathan usually facilitates the circle. Please contact him for the zoom access: rector@staugustinesedmonton.com We have used books, video, or individual presentations as our 'prompts' for the evening. "Doors" open at 7:45pm, process begins at 8pm-9pm. The zoom stays on until 9:30pm latest for those who want to chat more.
Update your InformationSo you stay in the loop!! Please email the office with any changes or corrections with your address, phone numbers, or email addresses. We do are best to keep this information updated but realize that sometimes we are missing updated information.
~ Ways to Connect ~
Administration, address updates, etc: Cheryl at office@staugustinesedmonton.com, 780-466-5532 Financial and giving: Cheryl at treasurer@staugustinesedmonton.com Pastoral, worship, spiritual: Rev. Jonathan at rector@staugustinesedmonton.com or text/call 780-619-3170 (text prefered). Jonathan's day off is Monday, but he his always available for an emergency pastoral need at the above number. Children's ministry: Simone at kids@staugustinesedmonton.com Music & youth: Megan at megl_miller@yahoo.com |