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Dear Friends:

After much deliberation and soul searching, a decision has been reached in regard to our monthly Simple Suppers.  The Pandemic pushed us to revisit this time together and because it was uncertain as to how we could maintain this ministry, we sadly inform you that our Simple Suppers have come to an end.

As you are well aware, we dearly enjoyed our many years of fun and fellowship together and were thrilled when our monthly numbers grew from a tiny group of thirteen to an overwhelming group of over one hundred!

We felt strongly about our original statement “To Live Christ in Community” and hoped these suppers were a living example of that statement.  We are grateful we could financially help both our church and the GANG in small but consistent donations and were delighted to see our community come together, eat together and Live Christ together.

Therefore, it is with grateful hearts and deep appreciation, we say farewell and thank you for your wonderful, faithful attendance.

May God bless you all and keep you safe.

Sincerely, The Simple Supper Team.