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Monday Night Meditation

Pat did a wonderful job of leading us through guided meditation, body scan techniques and breathing techniques. She also helped us to feel comfortable with meditative practice and the challenges of meditating for longer periods of time. Pat shared some beautiful verses and meditation prayers with our group, which we used throughout the sessions. We used Bible passages for our meditation to help us hear and reflect on the personal meaning of the scriptures. It was also a way to become still and receptive to the spiritual and intuitive things we needed to hear, learn, acknowledge or experience. It was a calming practice that our family began trying at home with our kids. Every night at bedtime, the boys now announce, “Time for meditation!” My newfound meditation practice has created positive change in our family and I am grateful to Pat for her wonderful guidance.

Thanks again, Pat!

Submitted by Simone Klann


St. Augustine’s Alter Guild Report 2021

The 12 members of the Alter Guild work mostly behind the scenes. We have 4 teams who arrange to meet on their scheduled weekend to set up the Alter, change the hangings when necessary and dust the woodwork including the pews, ready for the 10:00 am service. We also set up the chapel for the 8:00 am service as well as set up for funerals and weddings as required.Things changed this past year with Covid, but we still were able to have the Sanctuary welcoming and decorated for the seasons. As the founding member of the Alter Guild 64 years ago, Sheila New has decided to retire her post as a member and President. It is with deep gratitude that we of the Alter Guild of St. Augustine’s thank you Sheila for your lifetime of service and guidance to our Church. I am pleased to say Sheila has agreed to be our Honorary President. If you are interested in joining our group, please feel free to contact Eileen Fairbrother at 780-469-2107. You would be most welcome.

Submitted by Eileen Fairbrother and Jane Nunes