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We take time to honour that as we prepare for the coming of the Christ light of Christmas, that there can be so much within us that the feelings can feel like they will overflow with emotions  - many of which are so strong that we are afraid that if we unleash them that they will overwhelm us.  Other emotions, such as gratitude and joy may come sneaking up on us and result in us harnessing them in and feeling guilt, anger and despair for even considering these feelings in our grieving time.  Please know that whatever it is that brought you to this service, that you are loved, you are valued, you are God’s beautiful, blessed, beloved child and  – no thoughts, no actions, no regrets, nothing can separate you from your Creator.  For as we remember from the gospel of John: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it - John 1:5.        (From the Grace United Blue Christmas service 2021)

Darkest Night Service

All Saints' Cathedral, 10035-103 St, Edmonton, will be holding a Darkest Night of the Year Service, December 21, at 7 pm. This is a service of prayer and communion for those finding the season difficult.


Blue Christmas Service

Grace United Church - pre recorded

Grace United Church has provided a video for use anytime in your home.  Please find it here: