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Come and enjoy a relaxing time of conversation as we reflect together on excerpts from Alice Fryling’s wise and readable book "Aging Faithfully". We will also consider passages from other sources which, I trust, will add to the richness our conversation.

With wisdom, humour, and spiritual insight, Fryling relates her and her husband’s ourneys into their retirement years and onward as they now enter the eighth decade of their lives. As she explores the losses they and others have faced, she encourages consciously grieving them. But she doesn’t leave us there. Fryling relates how she learned, with the Holy Spirit’s help, that "buried in our losses are holy  invitations," and maintains that many of those losses remind us of the resurrection. She explores themes of productivity and fruitfulness, learning to embrace "the discipline of irresponsibility," and of letting go while holding on more tightly to God and that which is eternal.

So bring your coffee and gather around the (virtual) kitchen table or perhaps just settle into a comfortable chair. If you have any questions or want more information, please feel free to e-mail me at or call me at  780-429-3155.